Perhimpunan Masyarakat Etnobiologi Indonesia (PMEI) dengan berbangga hati membagikan postingan berita dari BGCI sebagai berikut di bawah:
Congratulations to our SEABG members from Indonesia and the Philippines for being awarded grants through BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund (GBGF) 2024!
The Ethnobiological Society of Indonesia (PMEI) for their project entitled “Conservation of Critically Endangered Nepenthes rigidifolia in North Sumatra, Indonesia”
The La Salle Botanical Gardens (LSBG) for their project entitled “Establishment of a Biodiversity and Conservation Zone in La Salle Botanical Gardens, Philippines”
Siit Arboretum Botanical Garden Inc - SABGI for their project entitled “Conservation of endangered Cycas edentata de Laub. on Negros Island, Philippines”
In previous cycles, applicants from Brunei, Laos, Malaysia, and Vietnam have also been awarded GBGF grants. We’re excited to see what our SEABG members can achieve for plants and for people, through this cycle and in the future!
More information on the GBGF 2024 awardees can be found here:
General information on the GBGF can be found here:
Ini akan menjadi aktivitas yang sangat menyenangkan untuk memperbanyak Nepenthes rigidifolia dengan kultur jaringan, yang melibatkan beberapa partner dari Sumatra Utara, seperti Universitas Medan Area, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Alifa Agricultural Medan, dan UPTD Benih Induk Hortikultura Gedung Johor Kementerian Pertanian.
Congratulations to our SEABG members from Indonesia and the Philippines for being awarded grants through BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund (GBGF) 2024!
The Ethnobiological Society of Indonesia (PMEI) for their project entitled “Conservation of Critically Endangered Nepenthes rigidifolia in North Sumatra, Indonesia”
The La Salle Botanical Gardens (LSBG) for their project entitled “Establishment of a Biodiversity and Conservation Zone in La Salle Botanical Gardens, Philippines”
Siit Arboretum Botanical Garden Inc - SABGI for their project entitled “Conservation of endangered Cycas edentata de Laub. on Negros Island, Philippines”
In previous cycles, applicants from Brunei, Laos, Malaysia, and Vietnam have also been awarded GBGF grants. We’re excited to see what our SEABG members can achieve for plants and for people, through this cycle and in the future!
More information on the GBGF 2024 awardees can be found here:
General information on the GBGF can be found here:
Ini akan menjadi aktivitas yang sangat menyenangkan untuk memperbanyak Nepenthes rigidifolia dengan kultur jaringan, yang melibatkan beberapa partner dari Sumatra Utara, seperti Universitas Medan Area, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Alifa Agricultural Medan, dan UPTD Benih Induk Hortikultura Gedung Johor Kementerian Pertanian.